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Personal Details

Aflatoun Online Membership

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First Name *

Middle Name *

Last Name *

Name Suffix

Date of Birth *

Gender *

Educational Attainment

Age *

Place of Birth

Citizenship *

Civil Status *




Other Citizenship


School Name

School Address

No. / St./ Zone

Subd/Brgy/Dist *

Province *

City / Municipality   *

Zip Code *

Cellphone # *

Telephone #

Email Address *

Pre-Membership Details

Date of Membership *

PMES Conducted On

Date of Orientation


Area Code


Conducted By

Entry *

Type of Member *

Account Classification *

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Parent's Datails

Father's Full Name

Date of Birth


Home Address

Mother's Maiden Name *

Date of Birth


Home Address

In Case of Emergency

Full Name *

Complete Present Address

Contact *


Supporting Documents

By my signature, I certify that my child has joined the Aflatoun Child-friendly Savings. As a parent/guardian, I will ensure that my child receives proper guidance and support.

Parent Guardian Signature *

Upload photo (optional)

Upload a Photo

An Aflatoun Promise

As a member of Aflatoun, I promise..

  • To participate actively in the Aflatoun activities

  • To prepare all the school and community projects to the best of my ability, basing them on the

  • Aflatoun moto "Separate Fiction from Fact, Explore, Think, Investigate & Act"

  • To encourage friends/schoolmates to join in the savings program so they can see and reap the benefits of the Aflatoun membership offer

  • To adhere to the guidelines set for the savings activity

  • To be aware that I am saving for my future, thus, I will avoid withdrawals for petty expenses.


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